General Counsel

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  4. General Counsel

The Office of General Counsel (OGC), consists of the general counsel, two staff attorneys and two staff members.

The OGC represents the Gaming Control Board in all legal matters including tribal gaming issues, administrative proceedings relating to licensures, revocations, exclusions, administrative appeals, Board rules, enforcement of the Gaming Control Act, Bingo and Raffle Act, prosecution of civil violations and other gaming related activities.

In addition, the OGC provides advice to the Board on all legal and policy-making matters presented to it for consideration or decision. The Office of General Counsel facilitates the Board’s monthly meetings, special Board meetings and working sessions. The OGC also ensures the Board’s continued compliance with the Open Meetings Act and the Inspection of Public Records Act.

Contact Information

Vacant – General Counsel

Michelle Pato– Lead Attorney, 505-331-5734

Office of General Counsel Fax – 505-841-9725